Friday, August 10, 2007

How to choose which data recovery company to use

Faced with every computer owner’s worst nightmare? Dealing with the reality of lost data? Frantic, because you just discovered that your most recent back up failed?

If you have experienced some type of physical damage to your hard drive, optical drive or other external media storage device there is a high likelihood that you are going to need the help of a professional data recovery service center. The question you are probably asking right now is how exactly you should go about selecting the right data recovery center. Well, I am here to tell you that are some very specific things that you need to look out for. Unfortunately, not every company operates with the same appreciation for customer satisfaction and loyalty. Therefore, you really need to protect your interests by doing a careful investigation before allowing anyone to touch your damaged storage media device or hard drive,

So, what are these things that you need to investigate?

First, it is a good idea to do an internet search on data recovery providers in order to compare the claims made by the available providers. You should then look at the providers who offer the service you need and determine what price they will charge for recovery services.

But, don’t make a decision based upon their website claims. You will need to pick up the phone and contact each of the companies that you are considering. If you cannot find a phone number, then it’s a pretty good indication that this is not a company with which you should be working.

When you get a representative on the phone, ask them about their success rate and whether they are willing to guarantee their service. If a company promises you a 100% success rate, there is a good chance that they are not being entirely honest.

If you are satisfied with the success rate, ask questions about the price structure that the company uses and the type of equipment that they use for recovery purposes.

A good company with an excellent success rate and better than market pricing for their entirely guaranteed data recovery service is If you check out their service listing through their website, and call to speak with one of their certified technicians, you are going to find out that not only are the 800Tech prices competitive but they also don’t charge you until they can produce your lost data.

Data loss is stressful enough. You certainly don’t deserve to have the same disappointment from the company that you hire to recover your lost data. If you do your homework before selecting a company to help with your data recovery, you will not be caught paying more than necessary for your data recovery.

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