Friday, August 31, 2007

Incorporate A Disaster Recovery Plan

Nordural ehf's backup system needed to incorporate a Disaster Recovery plan that would reduce the backup window from ten hours to two-three hours.

A Disaster Recovery Plan is a coordinated activity to enable the recovery of IT/business systems due to a disruption. Disaster Recovery can be achieved by restoring IT/business operations at an alternate location, recovering IT/business operations using alternate equipment, and/or performing some or all of the affected business processes using manual methods.

It was essential that Nordural's backup system incorporate a trustworthy Disaster Recovery plan that would reduce its backup window from ten hours to two-three hours. In addition to this, Nordural wanted a Disaster Recovery plan that restored the company's most critical servers to bare metal restore in less than two hours.

Nordural's decision to select the SecurStore Remote Backup Service highlights the strength and flexibility of managed services.

Remote backup (sometimes also referred to as online backup) is a service that provides users with an online system for backing up and storing computer files. Remote backup service providers are companies that provide a software program and space on a server that their client's data is stored on. The software program will run on a client’s computer and (typically) once a day; compress, encrypt and then send the client's data to the remote backup service providers' servers to be stored.

With SecurStore, Nordural had the assurance that all their requirements would be met - from a fast critical restore, to remote backup at multiple locations, to a simple and effective interface for the IT people at Nordural.

"We chose the SecurStore Remote Backup Service because it gives us all round backup and recovery services for our needs, with 24x7x365 support" said Emil Hilmarsson, IT Manager Nordural. SecurStore also provided Nordural with the option of assigning which data is 'critical; and which is 'important' data by using Long Term Storage with the use of Backup Lifecycle Management system that manages data during all backing up and archiving processes.

Backup Lifecycle Management differentiates data into varying levels of protected data: current critical data, which is stored on-line for fast recovery; and archivable data that may be needed at a later time but is not likely to be accessed in the near future.

2003 California Wildfire Worst in Its History to That Time

In late October 2003 the state of California was slammed with the worst wildfire that it had experienced to that date. Twenty people where killed, and damage to local communities and infrastructure was extensive.

The wild fire extended from the Mexican boarder north to the suburbs of Los Angeles. Hundreds of thousands of acres of forest where destroyed. Local vegetation and animal life suffered very large losses and many communities where effected by the disaster. Thousands of different species where decimated by the fire. It is expected that certain of the larger species like elk, and deer, may take several years to repopulate. Even the local salmon stock feeding in the streams running through the burning acreage suffered losses from the fire.

Damage to the area was devastating. 20 people died including one of the fire fighters. Two thousand seven hundred homes and buildings where destroyed and many businesses had to close. This wildfire was to become the most expensive fire to ever hit the United States. Damage to phone lines, and local utilities caused major outages. People were displaced from their homes and many had to leave the state to find accommodation elsewhere during the clean-up period.

The social impact of this wild fire was a bit unexpected. The personal losses incurred by local residences and the tremendous losses to local wildlife resulted in a push by the United States federal government to pass the "Healthy Forests" bill which allocated seven hundred and sixty million dollars to the urban interface between urban cities and forest areas.

The economic impact of this wildfire was catastrophic. One and a quarter to two billion dollars in damages resulted from the fire, making it the most costly wildfire in American history. Losses to businesses and local municipalities amounted to millions of dollars in lost revenues, not to mention the cost of replacing or restoring lost information, and resulted in hardship for many local area residents. The logging industry, of course, took a major financial hit.

Not all natural disasters kill thousands of people, yet most will spread their effects over huge areas and cause massive damage to our fragile and over-used infrastructure. Telephone lines and utilities like electricity, water and even sewage are easily interrupted. Businesses are not able to operate without these simple services. Lost data means lost revenues. Even something as simple as a forest fire can have a huge social and economic influence on our lives. In this case it appears the best offense is a great defense. Always be prepared.

Data Conversion- Transfer Data From Old To New System

Computer has made this world a global village and now every one rely on the digital data for secure information. Most of the organizations have stored their data on the old machines which are now obsolete and they are not getting that much quality results which they wanted. It may create a chance for data loss while transferring it in to the other machines.

But it is very important to transfer the data from the old machines to the new ones for the good results. A data conversion is also called import and export of data, recording, transformation from one pc to the other and interprets.

Computer data is organized in some organized way but with the passage of the time and on the bases of different application types, it changes and it needs to be converting from one pattern to another. Information can easily be removed in the computer system but when times come for addition it took a lot of time and effort. There are certain software’s exists in the market that allows you to convert your data from an old to a new machine and from one application to another application. Almost 700 tools are available that facilitates you with data conversion service and these tools are for UNIX, Linux, for all MS Windows versions, Novell and other available operating systems.

Many data recovery companies are working to convert data from old systems to the newly ones and updated technology systems. Their main purpose is to shift all the data from one outdated PC to the new PC with out any loss of the data.

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