Thursday, December 14, 2006

New Virus & Spyware Removal by Hardware

The next step in protecting your computer from virus and spyware attack has just been released.

Detection, quarantining and cleaning of the latest virus & spyware threats is already a number one priority. But what happens when a virus or spyware attack gets through your best detection software configuration.

Every day, new malicious programmes are launched onto the net. Most are detected by the specialised detection algorithms included as part of your virus checker. Does this mean you don’t need a virus definition file for that exact virus before its detected? Well yes and no.

Yes? for the majority of malicious programmes released.

No? for the few unique or next generation malicious programmes that infect millions of computers before the necessary updates are released to inoculate your pc.

Well hopefully, and I really mean it, it will be detected and removed without any loss to you, but you are relying on your protection software to cleanly remove the malicious program.

When the worst happens and your pc is infected by a major virus or deeply imbedded spyware programme you can loose everything on it. Even if you have a perfect backup system you will be looking at many hours if not days formatting, loading and configuring your pc to get it back to its original state. Just think of the amount of time we have all spent setting up our computers to suit our needs.

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