Thursday, December 7, 2006

Data Disaster Recovery - Is It Really Necessary?

When people think of disasters, they mainly think of flooding or earthquakes. In the world of computer experts or people who makes their living using information technology, a disaster can be quite different and yet can have the same paralyzing effects. Like an aftershock to a major earthquake, losing one's data suddenly and without warning can leave many a computer technicians as well as users shocked and in awe. Never panic though, because disaster data recovery is a possibility and all that was once lost might be found with a high degree of reliability and an even higher percentage of probable retrieval.

Fire and flooding damage to a home can result in a complete mess. Most people might feel "ruined" because of the extreme equipment casualty that can be done to a home. Once it is established that there is no harm to any of the humans or pets in a building or office building, the healing of the equipment through disaster data recovery is ready to begin. A team of reliable computer technicians or experts is called in to begin work on your computer equipment or any other piece of equipment that was damaged by the fire.

Data backup and recovery is always precious. Many of the techniques the team of experts will use on the equipment are the same as the techniques used to rescue lost data from other machines under more normal circumstances, for example retrieving lost files from a damaged hard drive through a fire is much the same as simple finding lost files from a hard drive with a virus or other sort of infirmity. The important thing to keep in mind is that nobody gets hurt in the process of disaster data recovery.

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